Salmon Zip Files

The current version is in four files,
the source, the audio and two pixmap files.

Current source and build files.
Developed on:
FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD
and GNU/Linux.
April, 2015
salmon-3.0.5.tar.bz2 (116 kb)
Salmon sound files.
salmon-audio.tar.bz2 (270 kb)
Salmon graphics files.
For moon phase graphics.
salmon-pixmap.tar.bz2 (5.7 mb)
Background and tile pixmap files.
salmon-back.tar.bz2 (1.3 mb)
timedc from FreeBSD/NetBSD
Slightly modified to build and work with all ports.
Includes both original source trees.
timedc.tar.bz2 (99 kb)
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